
Niche Networking - Pro Tip For Successful Networking

To the tune of my last two blog posts, this post will continue in elaboration on the topic of networking. Specifically, this post will go in depth about one massive tip that I have found to be success inducing.

Everybody has a different niche and industry, and therefore, target market. The biggest question not only in sales, but also in networking, is where is it that people can connect with either customers or potential partners and mentors that they can network to in order to further their success? 

I have discovered 2 primary methods that have allowed me simple and often cheap access to effective groups of targeted people that I can network and connect with for business purposes. These two methods are listed below;

  1. Webinars, online seminars and conference calls, and tutorial sessions
  2. In person seminars and conventions, or small group meetings

Let's start first with discussing the first listed method. Webinars are very helpful towards meeting others that are in your specific niche. They are highly targeted pools of people attending these online webinars because all of them have the exact same objective for attending that particular webinar; to learn the content being taught by the webinar host. This being said, if you can find a webinar that is in your niche, you can attend it and not only learn something valuable potentially within you niche, but also connect with other potentially beneficial individuals that you can leverage for clients or assistance or any number of other things. The issue that you may often encounter with webinars of a larger size is that there can be so many people in that given session that none of them will actually notice your comments, and it is next to impossible to line up a solid, consistent conversation, and much less obtain contact information. I suggest going for webinars that are a much smaller group of people that you can better connect with. Webinars are often found within social media, typically Facebook. This is because this is primarily the platform that the webinar hosts are trying to gain an audience from. On this same note, you can also attempt to host a webinar or online conference session to meet interested people and give a call to action at the end of the session asking the attendees to contact you further.

Secondarily, we have the in person, more original method of networking. This being said, it is mainly the same sort of concept. Facebook will be a great place to obtain information and access to these offline events, and if you have the capital and potentially the reputation and audience, you could attempt to host your own event by renting a venue and setting up the marketing campaign to gain traffic and to get people to opt-in for the event to attend it.

Both of these options are easier, far more targeted methods to obtaining targeted, high quality traffic that will either convert to sales, or will provide seriously vital opportunities or connections to you and your company. I hope this pro tip has helped, and there are many more to come!

Thank you for reading as always. Contact me at for any questions, or to connect with me!

Benefits of Networking - People Power

Before I write out the next few blog posts that follow this one that will be about how to properly network and create significant, lucrative connections, I find it appropriate to make this post. This post will outline the benefits and reasons that networking is absolutely essential for your business, and how it can help. 

To start off, let's go back to that previously used quote from my last post; "It's who you know, not what you know". Often times, you will lack the appropriate skill set and knowledge to move forward with your plans. Having an asset on your team that has more skills, experience, and knowledge on a certain topic is highly important. Another great quote to highlight this; "A great man surrounds himself with wiser ones". It would be futile and foolish to hire only people with lower knowledge or basis of skills just to retain a sense of superiority and control over your crew. They may be able to learn from you, but that takes a significant investment of your time to get them competent and effective, and time is money. Save time, money, and a great deal of trouble by being an effective and respectable leader to those who exceed you in certain fields of your industry.

Also, of course, there is the facet of networking that provides you access bonuses to products, goods, services, and any other potential tool or beneficial item to your business. By "access bonuses" I am referring to discounts, free things, exclusive access, expanded programs due to that person you connected with having some kind of employee edition they were able to share with you, and so forth.

And lastly, the simple addition of a great mind to your roster of people to call for advice. You'd be surprised how far it can get you sometimes to just shoot a quick call to an intelligent confidant who will retain your secrets and advise sincerely and intelligently with deep thought. Use your network of people. We are all born with one. However if you fail to grow your network significantly in business, it is completely your fault. 

There are clearly more benefits to networking that have not been elaborated on in this posting. And if you wish for the full training on any topic found in my blog, please, simply contact me from or fill out my website's contact form on the appropriate page. If receive enough requests, I will likely continue this post with all benefits listed out that I can think of.

Hopefully this content has been beneficial to you all, and that it will inspire you to go out there and meet new people, create new connections both personal and business oriented, and to grow as a person and a professional. Thank you for reading!