My Lessons Learned About Delegation

Throughout my career as an internet marketer and trainer, web design company founder, and entrepreneur in general, I've learned some very valuable lessons when it comes to the people that I choose to work with, which succeed and earn my companies money, and which fail and ultimately cost and lose me money consequently.

I've brought in over 40 different people into my ventures over time, and very few have made it through to remain with me today. There are many reasons for this elimination of my previous team, and also very vital reasons as to why the remaining operators within either Aspire Consolidated (web design company) or Connor Markets (personal brand and internet marketing company) have continued to exceed my expectations and climb further and further through the ranks. 

Pretend for a moment that you are the CEO or owner of a decently sized startup company that is successful, and generating consistent revenue. Your goal, as it's primary operating officer, is to continue the growth and scaling of the company, and to manage the other employees and contractors below you. How would you get all of the massive tasks at your feet completed? It is far too much for any single person to complete by themselves; leading to task delegation to members of your team.

This being said, take a moment and assess how you would feel trusting a huge task that was initially your responsibility to somebody else. Also, if you are already in a situation of power within your venture and others are working with you currently, do you feel confident that you have somebody working alongside you that you could comfortably assign such a task to?

Task delegation is very risky sometimes depending on the composition of your company's employees. But with the proper management skills and consistency with training your people, you can sufficiently oversee the processes to be completed. 

It is very controversial however how much surveillance should be taken over your co-workers, as too much will portray to them that you don't think they can complete the task without you. But with too little assessment of progression, you could be making a fatal mistake by allowing important tasks to go unchecked.

Be sure to keep a solid balance when it comes to progression checks with your team members, and giving them freedom to prove themselves as competent operators in your company. The famous quote "trust, but verify" very much applies to ask delegation, and should be implemented into your mindset when delegating tasks out to others.

Hopefully this has provided you with a mindset and refreshed approach to trusting others with crucial tasks within your organization, but with the proper precautionary measures taken. Email your comments to me at, or from the Contact & Hire Page.

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Connor Smith

Internet Marketing Professional. Web Designer and Developer. Online Business Development Specialist.